what is it thaht shares a cow, a chicken and a dog?
They are not natural species.
How in the hell do you say this fucking and shameful shit? Hey! is true! Before humans, chickens do not put a lot of eggs, before humans, dogs are wild wolves that hunts lonely and furious, before humans...YO WERE A MONKEY!!!
The worst thing that one person can do aganist her/his environment is to let free a domestic animal, because, as they were never wild, they will compete aganist the wild fauna... it is wrong by two ways: first, the domestic animal may never survive if don't have the protection of humans, and second, if the animal can survive, you have colaborate to extinct local species (do you read this PETA?).
Hey! but I don't say stupid things or empty words, I have examples: The cat in Australia is responsible of the extinction of many species of birds, he dog in Africa have killed the dodo's colonies, A fucking fish named tilapia destroys the lakes in Latin America, Lake Victoria have a Giant problem like LA ...ok, if you read my other post, you will read about importance of extincions, and so, why I'm trying to talk about the effect of domestic animal in extinctions?
Because the aren't real. The cow was selected since centuries to give milk, food and shoes, nothing else, the dog was selected since the wolves to protect and join the human way of life, the cat... the

If you have in your house a frankenstein monster, do you let it to go around children?
Is the same thing!!! you do not worry about the feelings of the domestic animals (Ok, if you use they for food, investigation, economy, if you do it fo fun... in a sadistic case, you are a stupid), the animals are good, they aren't suffering because they are most occuped eateng food, and living large, without predators or sickness. Privilege that the real animals do not enjoy.
(To be continue...)
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